
Official sponsorsand partners

View our sponsor packages



Business name and logo used on website as a Diamond – Premier Sponsor
Prioritised invitations, offers and promotion
Invitation to attend board member social events
50% off all events
Video Ad in coloration with Embrace Kids Foundation website and social media
Opportunity to promote your business at all events including your banners, Flyers, business cards promotional items etc.
4 Free Gala Dinner Tickets
10 Free Tickets for other events
Major Sponsor Certification
Letter of Gratitude
Become a sponsor


Business name and logo used on website as major sponsor
Prioritised invitations, offers and promotion
Invitation to attend board member social events
50% off social media post
Business name used on social and educational events
50% off all events
Opportunity to promote your business at all events Including your banners, flyers business cards promotional items etc
2 Free Gala Dinner Tickets
5 Free Tickets for other events
Major Sponsor Certification
Letter of Gratitude
Become a sponsor


Business name used on social media
25% off social media post
Business name used on social and educational events
25% off two events
Opportunity to promote your business at two events Including your banners, flyers business cards promotional items etc
50% Discounted for 2 Gala Dinner Tickets
50% Discounted for 5 Tickets for other events
Sponsor Certification
Become a sponsor


Business name used on social media
10% off social media post
Business name used on social and educational events
10% off one event
Opportunity to promote your business at one event Including your banners, flyers business cards promotional items etc
25% Discounted for 2 Gala Dinner Tickets
Letter of Gratitude
25% Discounted for 5 Tickets for other events
Sponsor Certification
Letter of Gratitude
Become a sponsor

Partner with us today and embrace our passion of supporting children with a disability

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Your generous sponsorship will help children living with disabilities and their caregivers with the much needed support to brighten their lives.